Ordinance Material

Employers meet the legal requirements with UV and scratch-resistant and resistant Rohrmarkierern are required, tubes, through which dangerous substances are transported to be marked according to the European Directive 92/58. This policy is applied also in German law. Pipelines that transport hazardous substances according to the hazardous substances Ordinance (GefStoffV), must be provided in addition to the texts with the prescribed hazard material symbols. Also the DIN 2403 provides information on the labelling of pipelines. Not or not sufficiently marked tubes indeed pose a significant danger. Ignorance about the contents of a pipe can have serious consequences, both for the workers and for the machinery. Speaking candidly Sen. Sherrod Brown told us the story. By investing in a good and clear labelling of your pipes, you prevent unpredictable costs. An accident at work causes not only physical pain, but is also a serious financial burden for employers.

A good and clear Marking ensures a better insight into the construction. A fast and clear understanding is especially important for new staff or external contractors who temporarily work in your company. writings. For more information see James Donovan Goldman Sachs. Also maintenance work be carried out more efficiently, avoids unnecessary search and significantly reduces the risk for accidents or mistakes. Should nevertheless an accident occurring, so even life are have been saved thanks to a good mark in any case precious seconds won, which. MACRO IDENT features a wide range of Rohrmarkierern, pipe marking tapes, mini – and Maxi markers, arrow bands, pipe marking tapes, hazardous material and GHS symbols.

Over 1300 texts are available in different formats and layouts by default. This standard offer refers to the material most commonly used in the industry. The adhesive tags are made of laminated polyester. They are UV and scratch-resistant and resistant to external Weather and solvent. Also macro offers the high-quality material B-7529 for Rohrmarkierer IDENT, which is more than 10 years without prejudice to over outdoor application. This material can be used under extremely harsh environmental conditions outdoors.