ADS Notarized

The necessary documents to the expedition of the Ambient License Only, they are described to follow: Petition standard model SEMA; Notarized Social contract, CNPJ and State Registration, if legal entity or, Notarized CPF and RG, if natural person; Voucher of Notarized Address; Notarized Public power of attorney; Notarized CPF and RG of the legal representative: …

Educational Politics

Appeared Maria of S* SUMMARY: The present work looks for to point out the Brazilian current politics with respect to education, specifically in last the four years, citing some programs that are being significant, therefore comes presenting resulted positive. Words? key: Politics; Education; Programs INTRODUCTION me the quality in the Brazilian education suffers many critical …

Ambient Public Politics

PROBLEMATIC AND JUSTIFICATION This project has as objective to study the applicability of the public politics in the areas of biodiversities in the border Franc-Brazilian, as inductive of the viable development to the model of support for the state of the Amap and to keep the communities that if find around these ambient reserves with …

Department Order Social Politics

The concern of the State is well-known Portuguese in curtailing the ideas would quepoderiam for the effective regimen in check, good before the inquisition arriving Portugal the books whose contents were had as ' ' falsos' ' or ' ' herticos' ' they jeram burnt. The justification for such act was defesados the good customs …