Alexander Oak

Test of that it has will politics directed to the investments in the Pblica.Em Security the two teros banked for the private society the study considered how much the victim left to generate for the economy: 23,8 billion are R$. Other R$ 14,3 billion are spent with private security (act of contract of security firms, for example, but sophisticated equipment of security in residence or cars is not included); more R$ 12,7 billion with insurances and R$ 9,4 billion with transferences for robberies and roberies (IPEA, 2011a). The research considered despite, even so the numbers and values were very come close to the truth, not if it could ignore the sub-notifications, notifications badly carried through or loss of data in the police registers of robery and robbery of the country, thus compromising the integral reality of the caught numbers. Of such luck that the researchers had needed if to be valid carried through works already in Belo Horizonte, Rio De Janeiro, Victory, Recife and So Paulo to construct its proper methodology. Still according to exactly study, to arcar with the costs of the violence the public health of the Union, states and cities it spent, in 2004, R$ 4,8 billion in the treatment of the victims of the violence, of which R$ 3,8 billion for all the types of external causes (not natural), R$ 206 million for aggressions and R$ 769 million for traffic accidents.

The numbers are part of the studies carried through for the researchers Alexander Oak, Daniel Cerqueira and Rute Rodrigues, of the Institute of Pesquisa Econmica Aplicada (IPEA), and Waldir Lobo, of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Estatstica (IBGE). The researchers had considered that these numbers mention only part to it of the governmental costs, since many expenditures of the public net of health are arches directly for the states and cities. Comparing the expenses with victims for aggressions with the ones of transit victims, we evidence that the difference excessive between them it is justified. .