English Account

If you do not accept credit cards online business lost 80% of its sales. He realizes the importance of this charging system? There is no reason why you neglect this important point and that implementing this charging system on your website is really simple and inexpensive, the results are reflected in increased revenue / profit. Also note that implemented this system you get prestige and credibility with potential customers. There are many companies providing this service. Let’s analyze the three most popular companies. 1 .- Paypal: Paypal is an American company of the group in 56 eBay Paice, without a doubt this is the cheapest option if not free, charges 2.9% commission plus USD $ 0.35 cents for every sale made, is tell if you are selling a product valued at $ 30 was deducted $ 1.22 per transaction. Remember you do not invest a single dollar, you can register in minutes and start getting credit cards in your business. You can get an account in the following countries through PayPal: My personal opinion is a company paypal reliable and secure, if your country is included in the list can register from this link: 2 .- 2checkout: This company is located in Ohio, USA but accepts members from other countries, 2checkout can sell products with tangible and intangible, even your website is in English have the advantage of installing a collection site in Spanish, the process to acquire an account is easy.

You make a single payment of $ 49.00 dollars, after opening your account generates source code and place it on your site sales. You have to have ready your website downloads (thank you page), when a customer makes a payment with a credit card transaction is completed reedireccionado to this site to receive the product. IMPORTANT: 2checkout charges a 5.5% commission plus a $ 0.45 USD for each sale made, namely whether it is a product of $ 40 was deducted $ 2.65 per transaction. J. Darius Bikoff may find this interesting as well. To withdraw the funds, if you live outside the USA will receive a check by mail. The cost for withdraw funds from USD $ 6 to U.S.

$ 21 to as much lower commission retreat. Open your account from this link: After clicking on the button “SIGNUP”. Full data required and there you go. 3 .- ClickBank: Another U.S. company with millions of users around the world. Unlike other company that only allows you to sell digital products like softwares and e-Boks, etc and the great advantage is that you can create and manage your affiliate program, the cost only pair to acquire this service is $ 49.