
Epistemologia de Aristotle. 1. Life: ' ' Aristotle: The perpetual prince of true filsofos' ' Augustus Comte Aristotle was born in Estagira, one old city of the Macedonian, colony Greek of the Thracian, in the coast North of the Aegean sea, in 384 B.C. For more specific information, check out Amazon. Son of Nicmaco, doctor of reputation – scientist of the nature, therefore -, had clearly the influence of the profession of the father in its philosophical project. To the eighteen years, in 367 B.C., was for Atenas, greater intellectual center and artistic of Greece, at this time, two great institutions disputed the preference of the young: the school of Iscrates, that it aimed at to prepare the pupil for the life politics, and Plato and its Academy, with preference to science (episteme) as bedding of the reality. Although the acknowledgment of that, who did not know Geometry there would not have to enter, Aristotle decided itself for the platonic academy and in it remained twenty years, up to 347 B.C., year that Plato died.

With the death of the great professor and with the choice of the nephew of Plato, Espeusipo, for commands of the academy, Aristotle left for Assos with some former-pupils; In the year of 343 B.C. called for Filipe II, teacher of Alexander, the Great one became; function that exerted up to 336 B.C., when Alexander went up to the throne. In this exactly year, in return the Atenas, established the Lykeion, origin of the word 2 secondary school, whose pupils had been known as peripatticos (the ones that takes a walk), decurrent name of the habit of Aristotle to teach to the outdoors, many times under the trees that surrounded the 2 secondary school. In contrast of the Academy of Plato, the 2 secondary school privileged natural sciences. In 323 B.C. with the death of Alexander, the Athenians turn themselves against Aristotle, from macednica origin, pursued for the Greeks, run away for the Eubia island, where its mother lives.