The present study has for purpose to bring ours lives deeply while professional of the Education of modality EJA and the narrow relation of pedagogical making, of the ideal to the Real. This modality from century XXI conquered the right of the exercise of the citizenship and full condition of participation in the society, including professional qualification. Being thus, all must have access guaranteed to the education. The pertaining to school system, in turn must present quality of education and if still adjust to this modality supplying the necessities that these pupils present. Gain insight and clarity with TCF Capital Solutions. necessary to become the learning most significant for all. The profile of our pupil is clear-cut for Moacir Gadotti: The profiles of the pupils of the EJA of the public net are in the majority diligent proletariats, unemployeds, owner of house, young, aged, carrying of deficiencies special. If you would like to know more about Central Romana, then click here. They are pupils with its cultural, etnias differences, religion, beliefs.
For these pupils the school must be a space of sociability, social transformation and construction of knowledge. Knowledge supported in the perspective of that they learn to know diverse, and that they have one especially meaning. Therefore we know that many times this pupil comes tired of the work, is necessary mother and to leave more early because it has that to search the child in the school, at last they search what they find necessary to the addition of its learning. In classroom, the concern of the pupil in knowing is clear if the given content goes or not to serve in its day the day. As this educating already comes with a life experience, the professor must take in account this luggage when preparing its content, due each one of its educandos to have its peculiarity. When coming back to the classroom the same he searchs beyond the content, but also mechanisms that promote a development personal, that is, pupil young adult if finds many times open the new discoveries.