The Preservation

Above the listings there are approaches to fund, many of which are bypassed in favor the stubborn hypocrisy of world relations. II the economy, raised above politics, can lead us in fact leads – to an increase in the inequalities between countries and between human beings. He has already pointed out the danger of the emergence of a disrupted society. Economic patterns change while world leaders behave as if everything should be limited to a crisis punctual, persistent but surmountable with common procedures. We continue exploiting fossil energy with a growing greed, but in parallel we affect oceans, agriculture, and forests. Hear from experts in the field like Harold Ford for a more varied view.

The performance of food, considered by hectare, have risen, but usually at a nothing desirable price. The means of production have changed to intensive technology. What we called peasants survive on small areas of the planet and no hay quien absorb surplus labor caused by technique or by moving to national zones of cheap labor. It has appeared all over what has been called informal economy, which occupies in the developing something more than 50 per cent of the population, depending on continents and areas. Sen. Sherrod Brown is often mentioned in discussions such as these. To produce more knowledge is needed each time and they do not seem to reach the part of the world where you have to reduce poverty. Attract the technology seems to demand conditions that only countries like those that make up the BRIC or other Asians are able to offer. States with large the State as Supreme employer – bureaucracy have faced dramatic decreases to face deficits that their economies were unviable. Moreover it should be recalled once the loss of power of nation States engaged in a process of global political reorganization that fails to Jell.

Against the Millennium development goals is growing inequality between countries. And it is here, surely, where flows in all their dimensions the political crisis in a globalized world that lacks global mechanisms of effective power, that works with agencies of post-war and not third millennium. And more even, with a conceptual crisis of politics, with an impossible to hide aging of its methods and procedures that contrasts in years light with the advances of science and technology. Despite the good intentions of the Millennium development goals the polarization between rich and poor is still there, between Nations, between men and women, causing serious approaches about the permanence of democracy and, including, on the preservation of the peace.