Web Redesign

Since July 1 technically and optically in a completely different guise Munich, 8 July 2009 Utopia.de, the leading Internet platform for strategic consumption, presents itself since July 1 technically and optically in a completely new look – user-friendly, with new content and headings, as well as many new networking features. The Internet-portal of Utopia AG fulfils a double function: as information platform for consumers, as well as a interface between consumers and decision-makers from business and politics. The portal was now redesigned from the ground up and designed in intensive dialogue with the utopia community, which counts more than 46,000 registered users. Quickly accessible thematic channels and clearly structured headings provide more orientation, and that’s what the user we expect”, Utopia founder Claudia Langer says. Visitors can intuitively use the page and access to the content they are interested in quickly and easily. The new features for community members include among other advanced Uses for the personal profile, enhanced messaging, a bookmark service for storing the content, as well as personal status messages along the lines of the short message service “Twitter”.

“The redesign was a long and intensive process,” says Claudia Langer, “because we had to invent utopia more or less again. A specialized team of developers has spun many good suggestions and wishes from the utopia community to a common thread. So, we could create a modern and attractive website, which is optimally adapted to the needs of the users. The hard work has paid off, and we are very proud of. “With the new version of Utopia.de, the Munich-based company underlines its goal, to make the economy and society more sustainable. Utopia on its website today bundles a mind strong and well-funded target group and thus aroused great attention.

According to experts, the consumption volume of our target group of utopians, LOHAS and neo-Green is estimated 200 to 400 Billions of euros”, explains Claudia Langer. “With the new version of Utopia we are a huge step closer our goal to place the interests and needs of this target group in the right places,.” The new platform is based on the open source framework Symphony of technical details. It was developed with the support of the Munich-based Web Agency linkable and realized. The eco-powered and CO2 neutral hosting will continue from the proven full service Internet provider Spacenet guarantees. Utopia is the Internet platform for strategic consumption with more than 46,000 registered community members and monthly over a million page impressions. Here, people who make their purchasing decisions (even) after that, meet whether they contribute to a better world. Utopia offers guidance and inspiration and makes it easy to them to make their life more sustainable. Press contact utopia Anna Neubauer Tel 0 89 / 2 60 24 14 0 email: Web: