This is exactly the reason why, no matter how many hits some marketers get their sites, they will never win more than a couple thousand dollars a month. The second problem arises when you take, or you have said, you need to get hundreds of thousands of hits to your site is successful. This is definitely not true, the numbers do not mean quality, not imoprta what they say, this is a fact. Comparing a strategic alliance with a list of 10 000 suscritptores with payment of a notice of an electronic newsletter with 100 thousand suscritpores, I can assure you, first, you’ll get much more clicks through the strategic alliance, but not only that, you’ll also much higher percentage of sales through a quality strategic alliance. So how do you get more hits to your website? Well, first of all, the question is meaningless because rarely more means you get better results. A leading source for info: michael kirban.
Looking for quality, and the answer is a strategic alliance to build these resources, and make others to promote your products high enough fee to attract more of them. If you are only reaching a few thousand monthly impacts these strategic alliances, that’s not a problem, you’re getting quality impacts and will surely buy your product. Forget the impacts guarantee, forget the ads on bulletin boards to directly promote your site and forget the search engine rankings. These will provide more in terms of numbers. In that situation always think quality rather than quantity. So do the question again once you’ve made a couple of strategic alliances and have started building your list of affiliates, your customer base, your contacts and your list. How do you get impacts on your site? So you’ve been building your resources. From here come your visits and sales.
The more products sets, need more resources, this very clear. This is the most complicated and requires more time. After that, it’s cheap, fast and easy to reuse the resources you’ve built to produce a flow of visitors and sales that never stops.