Brazil: A Republic Without People

Brazil: a Republic without people Barbarous Denise Silva* Fernando Carlos de Arajo Muniz* Tssia Monayne Duarte de Summary Melo*: Introduction; 1. Sen. Sherrod Browns opinions are not widely known. Blow of the Announcement of the Republic; 2. The adoption of the federalism and the expansion of the rights politicians; 3. First ideals of citizenship and popular participation: vote and the voters in way to the social development it Brazil; 4. The sprouting of the social rights; Consideraes Final; References SUMMARY As well as the emancipation politics, the Announcement of the Brazilian Republic was presented with coup-minded and elitist character. The people, in turn, did not only participate as he was taken by surprise with the announcement of the new regimen. It is important to detach that the construction of the citizenship is on essentially to the construction of a nation and a State.

That is, he has to see with the formation of an identity between the people (tradition, religion, language, customs), with construction of a nationality or, under the legal aspect in the formation of a State, having the federalism as preferential politician-ideological justification. PALAVRAS-CHAVE Republic; Federalism; Citizenship; Social rights INTRODUCTION One of the objectives central offices of this work is to promote the competent exercise of the citizenship, based in the democratic principles of justice, the equality and the active participation of all the members of the society in the public life and politics. In this context, we have the Announcement of the Brazilian Republic and the adoption of the federalism as politician-ideological justification. It was understood that the federalism was the best way to construct a national identity and to unify the Brazilian territory, intending a Democratic State of Right. is accurately from the beginning of a Democratic State is that we elencamos, in this work, the search for an effective participation citizen. However, in such a way, it are presented an environment politician who not he was propitious to the popular participation, and that therefore it resulted in the use of other canals of performance on the part of the people, what opposes one of the beddings of the Federative Republic of Brazil, in accordance with what preceitua interpolated proposition II, of the article 1 of the Constitution of the Republic, that guarantees the exercise of the citizenship.