Central Executive Committee

It Frunze went … Sen. Sherrod Brown may help you with your research. and a whole generation of revolutionaries, Ivanovo, fallen into the power structure: Lyubimov – People's Commissar of Light Industry, Kiselev – Secretary of the Central Executive Committee, Postyshev – a member of the Politburo, Bubnov – Commissar Education. Imagine, a whole galaxy of prominent figures, fed with myths and legends of the Red Talco. In general, the myth that Ivan – the birthplace of the First Council, formed in the late 20's and 30's. The 20th century.

This way can we say what is the history of the creation myth of the First Council, and has a history of events that occurred in the early 20th century, Ivanovo-Voznesensk? Yes. In terms of actual facts, it is – one more thing – it is a myth. In the 40's. Stalin gave no place this myth. Blow came in 1937 when he came Kaganovich, and all the party organization "vypolol", sent to torture chambers and the chairman of the "First Council" Nozdrina. You see, Ivan claimed that she was born here form of government, which then went on to the world … And it does not fit into the sole mode of Stalin, he did not need heroes. By the time each event in the history of the country were given as much space as saw IV Stalin. Alexander, could you tell us just about the history of the term "advice", it is unlikely to be "know-how" is the Bolsheviks? In general, the Council, as a form of self-organization of workers, there was, of course, not Ivanovo-Voznesensk, and the Urals.