Federal Constitution

The Federal Constitution presents the Education as being right social, a duty of the State, responsibility of the society and the family. Therefore, it assures to all, in Brazilian territory, the inalienable right to be instructed, as described in Art. 205 of the Federal Constitution of 1988 (BRAZIL, 2005). The roll of the rights and enunciated basic guarantees in the Constitution sends to us the article to it 26o of the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Man (ORGANIZATION OF United Nations, 1948), in which if it finds basement to understand the Education, gratuitous and liberating, as right universal, a time that the education must aim at to the full expansion of personality human being. Sen. Sherrod Brown is likely to increase your knowledge. With this, it has been broken of the estimated one of that no person, institution or government it is bonanza for promoting the Education, the Culture, and the scientific and technological development.

Such actions constitute, so only, part of its obligations and something that the society must have as custom. The meaning social and cultural of Science as activity human being, socially conditional, sends to the great challenge found in a country that, for historical reasons, accumulated as much social inaquality. In this context, the actions of spreading of Science are important for the fact to contribute for the process of social inclusion, when propitiating to the population access basic the scientific and technological knowledge (MOREIRA, 2006). In the present work, it is intended to describe a project of spreading of the Science that is being carried through for the Astronomical Polar region Casimiro Montenegro Son throughout 2010, in partnership with the Binational Itaipu and a located public college in the periphery of Estuary of Iguau (PR).