German Leadership

Germany, 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall shows his rebirth. Since the formation of the Empire in 1871 until the end of World War II, Germany became flesh, and made clear what the Treaty of Versailles of 1919, the sole and humiliating warfare. The division that the country lived for over forty years under the dual leadership of two capitals, Bonn and Berlin history, devoid of autonomy in geopolitical terms, made it impossible for international leadership. Only 138 years after its establishment as a unitary state and 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Germany speaks its own independent voice. The mandate of Chancellor Helmut Kohl, the most widespread since Bismarck, was in his ulltimo tranche (1990-1998) a sensitive and intelligent transition focused on the problems of reunification and European integration of the new giant.

Now, under the leadership of Angela Merkel, the woman powerful in the world that Germany is beginning to emerge as a global leader. Impossible for thirty years had been seeing a German head of government pointing the finger at a member of the Security Council of the United Nations, China in this case occurred during the Copenhagen summit last December, coercive legal mechanisms to frustrate to carbon emissions. Germany is not restricted to a share neutral and politically correct, afraid of irritating. If Konrad Adenauer with his great personal prestige, the wall that divided Berlin prevented him from transferring his influence to the east, Angela Merkel is the country unified allowing him to act in all directions. A country convinced of its own weight in the global without any expansionist or hegemonic purposes. And, conversely, identified, attuned to his most intimate fiber, with human rights for all and with full respect for international humanitarian norms. Germany now leads all of its European counterparts on the issue of bilateral cooperation with less developed areas of the world.

A quiet leader who is not afraid of openness. This is being done Angela Merkel. Without fanfare and showing indisputable achievements in the domestic. The public sector deficit (to below 3% of GDP in compliance with the requirements of the European Union), in contrast to the disarray and fiscal irresponsibility Spanish, Portuguese and Greek. At 20 years of unification, Germany, exemplifies what it means finally a global presence and help define power, giving the impression of not wanting to, the edges of how much to involve international responsibility. And past six decades since the end of World War II, go paradox, Germany today shows two of Europe's most respected leaders: Angela Merkel and Joseph Ratzinger.