Gursuf Village

Gursuf village – is the eastern edge of Greater Yalta. Area that opens to a height of trolleybus routes, like a magic box. Like a snake with silver sparkles verdurous Avunda River, which flows along the slopes down moryu.V to these places near the net and fast mountain water from time immemorial, people have settled, built their homes on the rocky shore. Appearance Gurzuf occurred in the mid 6 th century, about the first time mentioned the historian Procopius Caesarea in his treatise "On the buildings, which reported on the construction of fortifications on the southern coast, he was among other names, and" Castle in the county Gorzuvitskoy. From the Middle Ages were crumbling walls of the fortress which called Genoa, due to the fact that the Genoese were the last of its hosts. Once Gursuf was a lively seaside town. In 1472, there has visited the famous Russian traveler Athanasius Nikitin returning from his "walking the three seas".

While in today's Gurzuf hard to imagine that once this place was one of the most powerful fortresses, the stronghold and bastion of the entire "neighborhood Gorzuvitskoy. Also difficult to imagine now, and that "Yurzuf", which with great love and admiration he wrote, AS Pushkin, stayed in the family hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, Gen. N. Rajewski. At that time the only European building in the District was a house once owned by Governor-General of the Novorossiysk Territory Duc de Richelieu. In this house from August to September in 1820 and stayed a poet.

Expelled from St. Petersburg to the south link, the poet came to the brig Gursuf "Mingrelia, and when waking up in the morning off the coast saw a charming picture. And ten years later, he was transferred to an impression in one of the chapters of the novel "Eugene Onegin": Beautiful you brega Tauris, When you see the ship when Kipridy light of morning, As you first saw me … To this day, preserved, and the house where Pushkin lived, olive grove, where at one time loved to walk a poet and Pushkin's "cypress. Also there is a Gurzuf rock and grotto named poet. Modern Gursuf grew up on the slope of the left bank Avunda is landscaped urban village, with modern hotels, cottages, shops, beautiful beaches, where you can have a good summer holiday. Beauty Gurzuf also gives its mountainous terrain. One can not imagine the village without the twin rocks Adalars, rising from the seabed, without picturesque Dzhenevez Kaya – Genoa rocks, without mountains Ayudag. Genoa rock, resembles a truncated pyramid, here in the Middle Ages were a settlement and fort. At the beginning of this century in the rock was broken tunnel going out to sea. From the sea on the boats can get into the amazing beauty of Pushkin and Emerald Grotto. The latter recalls the words of Maxim Gorky, the famous Azure Grotto on the island of Capri in Italy. Not far from the coast, lies a rock which bears the name Chaliapin, who was resting in the summer of 1916. Ayu-Dag closes the bay to the east, resembles the image of leaning toward the sea bear, that's got another name for Bear Mountain. Altitude Ayu-Dag, is 565 meters.