Professional Education

With the Constitution of 1934 beginning to a new National Politics of Education when establishing was given as ability of the Union to trace Lines of direction of the National Education. During the State New it is granted Constitution of 1937 and a Constitution deals with the Vocational and Daily pay-vocational Schools for the first time as a duty of the State for the favored classrooms less, in turn it consequently folloies the history of the economic models and politicians and, of the relations of being able of the groups that are in the power. From 1942 the Organic Laws of the National Education are lowered, Secondary and Normal Education and of Industrial Ensino (1942), Advertising (1943), Elementary school and Agriculturist (1946). This provided the creation of specialized entities as SENAI (1942) and SENAC (1946), and gave transformation to it of the old schools of apprenticees craftsmen in Schools Techniques. In the set of the Organic Laws of the National Education, the objective of Secondary and Normal and Superior education (attributed as ability of the Ministry of Justice and the Interior Businesses) was of ‘ ‘ to form the conducting elites of the Pas’ ‘ , and the objective of Professional Ensino was of ‘ ‘ to offer adequate formation to the children of the laborers, the desvalidos ones of the luck and less fortunate, those that need to enter the force of trabalho’ more precociously; ‘ 1.

The first LDB? Law of Lines of direction and Base n 4,024/61 equalized the professional education of the point of view of the equivalence and the continuity of studies, thus finishing, the old dualidade between education for the less the most favored elites and education for. In the Military period of 1964 it had the significant loss of the function of the Federal Advice of Education? CFE.