Assessorship For Consultation

Information for the email: Assessorship for Consultation – the concept and the solution Many Brazilian companies count on the support especializadode auditors, legal advisors, financial and countable or same detecnologia of the information, however, does not have the habit to contract serviosespecializados of assessorship and organizacional consultoria. To take care of estesclientes the service was developed Assessorship for Consultation. What he is ' ' Assessorship for Consulta' ' At crucial moments in the companies, many osempresrios times and the executives if see alone, in the hour of a decisoimportante: the new definition of a strategical one of performance, the search of umasoluo for economic, financial or operational problems, or simplesmentena quarrel and conception of new ideas. Although to make use of the traditional legal advisors, countable, financial or of technology of the information, in some situaescertamente them it would be useful and providencial to be able to count on one profissionalexperiente, well qualified, discrete and independent. Somebody of is daorganizao, for the exchange of ideas, discutio of solutions, simply analyzes docontexto or for a frank colloquy. The great companies can contract such professionals comfacilidade, however, companies of lesser transport not.

This service allows to small the average companies oacesso to this type of qualified service that, until today, was almost exclusive eprivativo of the great companies. The act of contract of ' ' Assessorship for Consulta' ' it can serrealizada for modules of varied formats, with the duration and the intensidadeespecfica for each necessity. The companies of lesser transport can have access esteservio without the necessity to sign long contracts and dispendiosos and ocontato with specialized consultant will allow to the entrepreneur and the executive to develop, gradually, a reliable relation, that the company if for the new challenges allows prepareprogressivamente that and thus, preventing to look aid apenasquando its situation already became critical. The easinesses to contract ' ' Assessorship for Consulta' ' At the moment of the act of contract the customer chooses the formatomais adjusted for its necessities and, in accordance with the option, serestabelecido the monthly value of the contract. However, if during the period of validity of the agreement it will be necessary to demand realizaode visits you add or to extend the time of each visit, the prices relativosao period will be recalculados automatically to transfer the vantagensestabelecidas for the superior bands of the table of prices. The contract of ' ' Assessorship for Consulta' ' it can serinterrompido to any time, being enough for this a communication simplesenviada for email with thirty days of antecedence. The price of ' ' Assessorship for Consulta' ' The companies will be able to choose how many visits for month to queremreceber for the contact with the consultant and which decade will have to be the duration time visits typical.