Supreme Command German

The outcome of these battles was the withdrawal of German troops to a distance of 80-250 km to the west – of the enemy were completely cleared the Moscow and Tula region and eliminated the immediate threat to Moscow. In other respects – offensive failed completely. Our losses are greater than the German in about half: the Soviet forces lost at least 500 000 people killed, died from wounds and was taken prisoner, while the loss of personnel of the Army Group "Center" was about 330,000 soldiers and officers. Detachments of marines fought 149 days, passing in the rear of the enemy, about six miles, they distract themselves from the front, and bound by their decisive action five German divisions were destroyed during the course of the operation up to 15,000 enemy soldiers and officers, a large number of military and other equipment. During the war the rate of Supreme Command for more than forty times applied the landings, but the largest airborne operation was when the rear of the enemy were thrown more than 10,000 Soviet paratroopers, as well as thousands specifically designed for their goods, arms, munitions, food and other property.

Until the end of the war took place only one attempt to land a major airborne assault behind enemy lines: during the Dnieper offensive on September 25-28, 1943. However, this amphibious operation was unsuccessful – from 4500 people still alive only to 1200. The fighting at Vyazma clearly showed that the larger the landing, the harder it is to him to decide operational objectives, and the greatest chance of success at landing behind enemy lines have small sabotage and reconnaissance units.