After all, if the profit is the maximum objective and the return has corresponded to the expectations, so that to move? The human being and the proper existence become angry! In the cultural industry, mass society does not pass of one simple agglomerated on no-pensantes human beings, but that they are left to lead for the wave of the moment and if they brag to belong to the modern times. As they affirm Adorno and Horkheimer, they do not pass of one ' ' statistical material distributed in the maps of the justinian codes of research. (Ib., 102). The entire world is forced to pass Currently for the filter of the cultural industry (…), the atrophy of the imagination and the espontaneidade of the cultural consumer it does not need to be reduced the psychological mechanisms. The proper products? between them in the first most characteristic place, the sonorous film? they paralyze this capacity in virtue of its proper objective constitution. They are made in such a way that its adequate presentation demands, is truth, promptness, dom of comment, specific knowledge, but also of such luck that they forbid to the intellectual activity it spectator, if it not to want to lose the facts that parade quickly ahead of its eyes. (…) The violence of the industrial society was installed in the men of a time for all. The products of the cultural industry can have the certainty of that even though the distracted ones go consumiz them openly. Each one is a model of the gigantic economic machinery that, since the beginning, not of the recess to nobody, as much in the work how much in the rest, that as much is resembled Inevitably to the work (…), each man