Education Ministry

According to Ministry of the Education (2004). (…) the care in the sequence of the process of development and learning of the children of six years of age implies the knowledge and the attention to its etrias, social and psychological characteristics (…) the children are respected as subject of the learning. Amazon takes a slightly different approach. still, the Ministry of the education (2004) complements with the following affirmation: It is necessary to assure that the transistion of the Infantile Education for Basic Ensino occurs of the possible form most natural, not provoking in the children ruptures and negative impacts in its process of escolarizao (2004) It is necessary, therefore, to reformulate the curricular grating, as well as, Project Pedagogical Politician (PPP) of the school, so that 1 Year has its expressividades and particularitities guaranteed as for the contents. Still the Ministry of the Education places: (…) that games, dances, stories and spontaneous tricks are used as pedagogical instruments, respecting the cognitivo development of the child. In this in case that, the alfabetizao must be understood as a process that has hour to begin, but does not stop concluding. However, she is necessary that through the contents if it explores the creativity, imagination, interest, that the children make use, as well as, to value its cultures, and experiences, through playing, thus contributing, for the development of the autonomy and of its identity.

Also, it is necessary that the children interact ones with the others, so that they can learn to coexist the differences, respecting the next one. Thus, with the implantation of the Basic education of nine years, the first year must be understood as an intermediate period between the daily pay-school and the first series. Being thus oportunizando the child the contact with the world of the reading and writing, in way to a playful environment, pleasant stimulant and, standing out that not necessarily the children need to conclude reaching it the alfabetizao degree.