Geography Politics

That is, if the space is resulted of the action human being, and it he is reflected and condition of the society. Then, if we have a different society, the space will be differently busy, distributed and meaning. Already Yi Fu Tuan (1983) is an author whom it appeals to a boarding with bias of psychology, treating to the affectivity produced for the humanity and its relation with the place concept. The space concept appears as species of goal-concept, therefore the other concepts key of Geography if relate to the previous one while a workmanship human being. It detaches despite the historical Materialism understands the place as a geographic expression of the singularity; the Humanistic chain perceives the place as a portion of the space in relation which if develops affection from the individual experience or social groups. This author deals with the relation between space and time in the construction the place. For Yi Fu Tuan the place is an area that was appropriate affectively, transforming an indifferent space into place, what in turn it implies in the relation with the time of significao of this space in place. ' ' The place is a world of meaning organizado.' ' (1983, P.

198). In the experience, the space meaning frequently if establishes with the one of place. ' ' The time sensation affects the place sensation. In the measure where the time of a small child is not equal to the one of an adult, neither it is equal its experience of lugar.' ' (TUAN, 1983, P. 206). Space is a concept more abstract than of place. What it starts as indiferenciado space, changeds into place to the measure knows that it better we endow and it with value. ' ' Place is a singular mixture of sights, sounds and cheiros, an uneven harmony of natural and artificial rhythms (…) Sentir a place is to register for our muscles and ossos' ' (TUAN, 1983, P.

203). In them we only make familiar to a place after some time. Place in turn is defined by and from affective appropriations that elapse with the years of experience and the experiences attributed to the relations human beings. Treating itself the least while the man also will be presente’ ‘ one in such a way unstable and is in constant change: ' ' creation of the territorial identity is only relative, says, more properly functional of what afetiva' ' (SOUZA, 1995, P. 88). Souza (1995) also makes some mentions on the space concept, remembering that Geography Politics defines the space as being ' ' concrete in itself (with its natural attributes and socially constructed) that he is appropriate, busy for a group social' ' (P. 84); this with respect to domestic territory and idea of State Nation. Being thus, we can conclude that the three concepts worked in this discipline are of basic necessity for study of urban geography and to work with the history of the cities. Of this form, the cities would be monuments, registers livings creature of the most varied civilizations and social groups that in that space had inhabited, references of transformations imposed for the society in the space and the possible relations of affection that had marked the places and the people. References: Tuan, Yi-Fu. Space and place: the perspective of the experience. 1930. Translation of Lvia de Oliveira, So Paulo: Difel, 1983. I CASTRATE, In Elias of; GOMES, Pablo Cesar of the Coast; CORRA, Robert Lobato. (org' .s). Geography: concepts and subjects. Rio De Janeiro: Bertrand Brazil, 1995. P. 15-47; 77-116.