Monetary Politics

The survey showed, still, that it has variation between tariffs charged for the same services. In some banks, no tariff is charged by determined services (confection of seven groups control about 80% of the Brazilian market justify the high tariffs. It does not have competition because the number of banks in Brazil is small the BC does not stimulate the entrance of new financial institutions to decide the problem. Moreover, the survey points 11% discrepancies 325% between the tariffs. For example, the cost for the extract withdrawal above of the number foreseen in the package of services contracted by the customer in the Ita-Unibanco is of R$ 1,30. No longer HSBC the same operation costs R$ 4,30, a 230,8% difference. The director-executive of the National Association of the Executives of Finances,> the initiative of the BC to give to greater transparency in the collection is an excellent idea, but the resolution did not consider the relation market/numbers of financial institutions in the country.

It has more demand of what it offers. Therefore, these taxes go to increase explained. Vertamatti standes out that the banks use international the financial crisis, that caused retraction in the credit, as reason for the readjustments of the services. to stimulate the credit, the Committee of Monetary Politics of BC (Copom) comes reducing the basic tax of interests (Selic) so that the banks make cuts in spreads. With this argument, the institutions had increased the tariffs the market and the competition make the prices the true objective is to diminish the number of charged tariffs.

To enter in the new rhythm, the banks had increased the tariffs, but this goes to diminish with the time. The customers also are entering in the rhythm. He has more attention how much to the collection, that was left of side bigger occurrence of the lesser tariffs (14), followed for the Ita and the Unibanco (12 occurrences).