Modern Age Philosophy

The politics stimulates a thought and a speech that they do not look to be formulated by private seitas of the initiates in sacred mysteries, but that they look for, in contrast, to be public, taught, transmitted, official notices and argued. The idea of a thought that all can communicate and transmit is basic for the philosophy (CHAU, 1999, p.32). All these economic factors, politicians, social and cultural had changed the mentality of that people, that more does not attribute as much power to the word of the myth, to the word of deuses, and starts to value the word human being, the power of the argument. The first philosophers, the daily pay-socrticos appear there, for return of sc. VI B.C., and searched answers on the bedding of the things, the principle, the element that constitutes all the things.

The philosophers break with the dogmatismo of myths when its answers divergem between itself, of form to show diverse possible explanations. The Philosophy breaches with the mythical thought how much to the way as knowing it is received. While the myth is a narrative whose content is not questioned, the philosophy problematiza … While in the myth the inteligibilidade is given, in the philosophy it is looked. The philosophy rejects the supernatural one, the interference of agent the holy ghosts in the explanation of the phenomena … searchs the coherence, the rigorous definition of the concepts, the debate and the quarrel internal, is organized in doctrines and appears, therefore, as abstract thought (SPIDER; MARTINS, 1993, p.67). The philosopher can itself be noticed that, in Old Greece, for dominating the thought rational, he is who also dominates knowing scientific, forming a link between the philosophy and the science that is only gotten rid in the Modern Age, when in sc. XVII, Galileu initiates a metodolgica revolution that it aims at to separate to philosophy and science.