Two Latin American

Editor’s Note: Two Latin American countries have been hit by energy crisis. One of them could resolve it even at the expense of subordinate politics to the situation. The other, has never wanted to do it, and the consequences are for everyone to view, less for his Government. Can send me your comments to: Energy Crisis: A Lula sincerely wants to lead by example Buenos Aires, Argentina on February 27, 2008 what dilemma faced by parents when their children need help! It is always easier to respond to the request of the children getting hand self, take a time to teach them to solve them by themselves. And also, it is always easier to provide partial solutions that solutions background. Click Amazon to learn more. This problem that parents commonly have with their children is very similar to the one facing Brazil as a regional leader the claims of the Argentina energy problems that is passing through (eye that Brazil has them). It is clear that the energy problem in Argentina is not cyclical, but it clearly responds to the lack of infrastructure due to lack of forecasts.

This is a long-standing issue, and I know that in early 2004, I participated in a seminar where, from the private sector, this issue was debated. Argentina did not do the homework, why today suffers the consequences and must improvise an immediate solution. With the same improvisator profile we have another protagonist of this novel, Evo Morales, that promises to which can not fulfill, and these days was between the sword and the wall, since it does not have sufficient capacity to jointly cater to Brazil and the Argentina. It is for this reason that Evo had to decide whether to renege on its commitment to one of the two, or do both at the same time. The solution was more than logic: preferable to look good with the largest.