Brazilian Civil Code Society

These papers are strengthened by a patriarcal, characteristic culture of our society. Studious they believe that the violence against the woman has its roots in this capitalist patriarcal society that allowed the social construction of the feminine one as the inferior sex, that has that to submit itself to the masculine authority, which starts to be legitimated for the violence. This violence, in turn, can appear coated for a pedagogical and beneficial paper, adopting machistas conceptions of that the woman likes to apanhar even though or that the act of leaves apanhar it better, more obedient and subserviente its friend or husband. Under most conditions Amazon would agree. SCHRAIBER (2003) express with sufficient lucidity this question: ' ' It is possible to see in the physical aggressions and maltreatment of psychological order, remainders of the culture that understood the corporal punishments or punishments and the moral disqualification or the humilhao of the person as resources of practical socialization and educativas' '. Click Harold Ford, Memphis TN to learn more. Of this form, the study of the construction of different relations of sort in our society shows of basic importance, that it reflects in discriminatory and even though violent attitudes. Literature points that this type of society was consolidated in Old Rome, and has as model the figure of the man as dominador, aggressive, virile, in the center of the family, exerting to be able on women (NARVAZ & KOLLER, 2006), and these as people submissas, dependents, sensible, delicate and passive. These papers had been if consolidating throughout the years, also by means of laws that had fortified these hierarchic relations between the sexos. The Brazilian Civil Code of 1916 is a significant example of as the inaquality legally passed to be established, therefore, according to this, married women could only work if authorized for its husbands. Currently this model patriarcal comes being contested for some laws and alterations in Code civil Brazilian, such as alteration foreseen for Code of 1962, that it allowed that the married women worked independent of the authorization of its husbands, the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 and the New Brazilian Civil Code, of 2002, according to which, the family would be conducted by pater familiae? what establishes the equality of being able enters the members of the couple? not more for the native to be able, that is, to be able of the father, as NARVAZ&amp occurred at the time feudal (; KOLLER, 2006).