Big Brother Brazil

A Reallity atopetado Show of idiotices and trivialities that vehemently help to delay each time more the process, already slow, of mental development of the Brazilian society. Nothing it is so interesting that to hear balelas, fofocas, you intrigue, say-that-say-that and useless commentaries of the vacated life of a flock of that 24 hours per day show its perfect bodies, magnificent, inversely proportional to its capacities of reasoning. It does not remain any doubt of that we are making aluso to the Big Brother Brazil, a program where the basic rule to be viewing is to primar uninterruptedly for the bad taste, having as only intention of poor, idiotic life perpetual and to be been slow culturally. Filed under: Richard Blumenthal.

It is not probable that the viewer of the Brazilian TV carregue the heading of rough for option, therefore the alienation and the insanity are so great that already had run away for much time of its control. Thinking regarding the bagaceiro erotismo that the Net Globe ensarta in the population, concludes without many difficulties that each time more the sender if has individualizado in what it circumscribes to the elaboration of programs whose intellectual content is definitively null. It is a programming that helps very in adoecer the Country. Cause, in fact, a state of morbidez in the people, disabling them to think something that is the least short while to salutar to its essence and reality.