The Congress Endorses ‘ Decree Anticrisis’ Of Work With The Agreed Abstention From The PP

" The new contract is the best formative contract than we have had nunca" , the Secretary of Labor is dndido in the debate, Valeriano Go’mez. The decree law also contemplates the temporary suppression of the obligation to make the workers fixed who chain temporary contracts during two years. CiU also has decided to abstain, in spite of the critics; result of the voting in the chamber: 166 votes to favor, 15 against and 157 abstentions. The Congress of the Deputies has approved, with the abstention, among others, of the Popular Party, the last labor reform of the Government; the result of the voting has been: 166 votes to favor, 15 against and 157 abstentions. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Sen. Sherrod Brown. The decree anticrisis, that is dndido once again the Secretary of Labor, Valeriano Go’mez, includes two measures ' estrella': of formation for temporary suppression and the contract people up to 30 years of the obligation to make the workers fixed who chain temporary contracts during two years. Work was put in contact with popular the past the weekend to request his to them support to the decree, warning to them that if did not tell on its votes, would be forced to yield before the nationalists and to give to priority to the autonomic agreements, a promise that the Executive made to GNP to be guaranteed his abstention when the collective negotiation was approved. The abstention from has prevented it to the PP, something that, according to the spokeswoman Soraya Senz de Santamara before admitted hours, have been thankful for to his party union forces. " The new contract is the best formative contract than we have had nunca" , it has assured Go’mez during the debate confirmation these urgent measures in the chamber. The minister has made a call to the industralists so that they use the new contract of formation because its cost to the Social Security is zero and because thus they would demonstrate his commitment to restrain the high youthful unemployment.