Local Productive Arrangement

We believe that the absence of conditions of infrastructure, equipment, formation of professors and other factors of weakness for the implantation of the integrated Professional Education PPPs had not hindered the construction them. Total conscience is pointed that for the construction of the PPP we must elencar some necessary aspects for the quality of its elaboration and execution, having that this document is dynamic needing constant evaluation. In this participativa and democratic source the Schools of the Technological Net had constructed to its Projects Politicians Pedagogical – PPPs, having as mission and estimated basic the qualification as social relation, the work as educative principle, the integration of the dimensions theoretical and practical in the formative processes and the valuation of knowing tacit to them of the social citizens. From this estimated the EETEPAS they had reevaluated its PPPs, through the collective cosmo-vision for the qualification of the education process learning, integration and socialization of the school with the community: pupils, parents, professors, managers, technician, partners, secretariat and support. In this perspective and in accordance with the LDBEN in its Art.

26 that it defines ‘ ‘ The resumes of basic and average education must have a common national base, to be complemented, in each system of education and pertaining to school establishment, for a diversified part, demanded for the regional and local characteristics of the society, the culture, the economy and clientela’ ‘. Being thus, the EETEPAS had gotten autonomy to construct to its resume the Art.26 on the basis of and in accordance with the reality of its region, considering still, the local development economic, that we can call Local Productive Arrangement – APLs.