Georgian State Minister

Late September is traditionally the calendar became the moral and political failures tragic reminder of the past twenty years. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Suffolk County Rep.. On Sunday in South Ossetia celebrated Republic Day, and there rang out for the first time the national anthem. The same thing happens the …

President Viktor Yanukovych

The Ukrainian government is trying to "bleach", offering a virtual image defunct Europe Ukraine in Ukraine continues to minimize the strengthening democracy and authoritarianism, the people quickly fall into poverty because of inflation and the holes in the budget, and the President and the Party of Regions is against this backdrop in the West begin …

Jordi Argelaguet

It also indicates that 25.5% of Catalans advocates federalism and 19.1%, continue to be an autonomous community. The study indicates that the independence movement has grown in a few months, since June, secessionists accounted for 34% of the responses, federalism was represented by 26.7%, and the continuity of the current framework, by 25.4 per cent. …

Libyans Mission

Spain will continue as long as the dictator is a threat to his people. The cost so far of the Mission has been 43 million euros. The acarrreara extension monthly spending of about 14 million. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Trinidad Jimenez, has ensured on Monday that Spain would continue to participate in the mission …

EU Solar Punitive Tariffs More Harm Than Good

FDP Landtag candidate Dominik Heuwieser: “damage for the entire solar industry. PFARRKIRCHEN EU solar punitive duties do more harm than good. Amazon has compatible beliefs. It is the FDP Landtag list candidate Dominik Heuwieser (Unterdietfurt/LKR. Rottal-Inn) convinced. The EU is here very short-sighted, criticized the planned introduction of punitive tariffs on solar modules Hammond. The …