Too Much Horse Power

An old fashioned traffic accident. Most of the time the involved vehicles are motorized: motorcycles, automobiles and trucks. Others are rarer, as between airplanes, ships and trains. Details can be found by clicking Amazon or emailing the administrator. One accident that gave cause to a process in justice was marked in my mind, not for the gravity and yes for the excepcionalidade. Frequently novelist has said that publicly. The victim was one gentleman of age that passed through of bicycle in the soil road that binds Is Jose the Luzia Saint, in Mantenopolis, native city of the Manuelzinho. The old one followed incurvated in its magrela and suddenly, not more than suddenly, the all vapor came a knight and ran over the ciclista, that of face in the soil fell, desfolando hands, elbows, knees and other parts. The problem is the following one: the knight has guilt for the accident? In the hearing, the attorney general, created in the capital, tasca an investigation the eyewitness of the unusual accident.

I would like to know of the witness if the horse was above of the speed limit? Doctor, you can say until how much km/h the horse to me can gallop? I was thinking, it will be that the limit for the horse is the same for the automachine vehicles? The campaign ‘ ‘ if to drink not dirija’ ‘ if it applies to who walks of horse? In this situation is obligator the test of bafmetro? What to make if the knight he will be sober and the drunk horse? It has people that of cachaa for the horse. In the end the knight was condemned why he must have lead the horse for the other side of the road, pulling with more force the rein for right. Today I think that the horse acted with eventual deceit, it little mattered if he would go or not to run over the victim.

Mining Inconfidncia

In this, the poet declares its pain, its sadnesses, distresses, feeling of abandonment and melancolias caused for the arduous homesickness that feels of its muse represented for the Marlia name. The Marlia muse in this presented workmanship, represents Maria Dorotia Joaquina de Seixas, rich young with only dezessete years of age, that Toms author Antonio Gonzaga (1744-1810) formed in Right for the University of Coimbra/Portugal, loves although the age difference, therefore this passion occurs when it counted forty years approximately. Paulo Coelho is open to suggestions. At the moment where he was to win the rejection of the family of the young, envoy for Rio De Janeiro was accused, imprisoned and, for participating of the movement of the Mining Inconfidncia, being in such a way, moved away definitively from loved its. After Rio De Janeiro, was for Moambique, where it lived for dezessete years and if it married the son of a trader of slaves and it was never married Dorotia, but this namoro inspired the gorgeous workmanship known for Marlia de Dirceu. Then the Toms Doctor, prisoner in Rio De Janeiro, undress of the lawyer spirit, and changed themselves into lyric I, Dirceu. A shepherd of flocks, who lived in the fields with a calm life in way to the Nature, but that it are imprisoned and envoy to a dungeon and laments the absence of its muse. Lyric I demonstrate in this lira, that its sufferings are bigger for the separation of loved its of what for the proper arrest. This love of Dirceu for Marilia, is in fact the interpretation of the love of Toms and Dorotia and the separation of both. This conviviality that lyric I disclose to have with the Nature, was a species of fashion at this time of the author, who could be translated as ' ' fugere urbem' ' (to run away from the city), that it is accurately the search of the simplicity revealed through the bucolismo for the poet.

Political Disputes

(BICEN) and the Program of Documentation and Research in Histria (PDPH). Used Ametodologia was the bibliographical research, documentary and oralatravs of the consultation of theoretical workmanships, of periodicals of circulation and deentrevistas. The research was concluded and was verified that during esseperodo diverse conflicts in the city for the dispute had occurred to dopoder. The intendants who> they had been to the front of the administration municipaleram trading successful, this made with that they adquirissemprestgio and respect, therefore they used the commerce to carry through suasatividades politics. Word-key: Itabaiana, intendants, politics. Paulo Coelho may not feel the same.

The structure administrative politics of Brazil after 1930 passed for some transformations, the adopted measures make possible the municipal centralization and had later contributed for lose of hegemony of the heads local politicians. However, the oligarchies go amoldando it national politics as form to preserve its domain. According to Figueiredo (1989, P. 211), ' ' the joy of the victorious people is great, contagiante, the impression is that ' ' revolution of 1930' ' it is the salvation of Sergipe and Brazil. Liberal, young the old dreams, is delirious, sees people and not facts, speak in politics, however they do not analyze in depth, the economic process and social' '. Thus, the moment is opportuno to remember the sad days PERIODICAL, 1930). Those that if showed sympathetical to the revolutionary ideals were pursued by the heads politicians, as it was the case of Silvio Teixeira, secretary of the Intendancy of Itabaiana, prisoner for defending the ideas of the Liberal Alliance.

‘ ‘ The arrest of Silvio Teixeira occurs in day 2 of February of 1930. He is loaded for the policy. Exactly thus, one does not keep silent, continuing to make a speech, portraying, in its attitudes, a different, innovative leadership and renovadora, for the courage with that, alone, regime faced one all; ‘ defender of the ideals of the revolution in Itabaiana.

Brazilian Civilization

A professional reaches recognition, from the benefits that the society gave, created an image that values its proper classroom, and, it finishes for constructing to a professional moral patrimony and a corporate assets of the classroom. Nobody must renounce the right to defend a name ‘ ‘ Is to have ethical to protect a name profissional’ ‘ According to S (2001. p. If you have read about Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs already – you may have come to the same conclusion. 150): The profession does not have to be a way, to gain the life, but only to earn for the life that it provides, representing a faith intention. Its duties, in this meaning, are not spontaneous impositions, but wills.

This demands, therefore, that the election of the profession pass for the vocation, for the love what it becomes as essential condition of an option. (S, p 151) it affirms that: To be unaware of, however, as to carry through the task or to only know to make it partially, in face of the totality of the demandable one for effectiveness, is behavior that wounds to the rules of the doctrine of the moral (ethical). A malfeito work can cause serious disasters. If the work will not be executed with professionalism and ability, also commits an ethical infraction, occurring recklessness. As for example: If an accepted auditor to give one to seem on a great number of companies, but that he cannot follow and supervise all directly the works runs the risk to certify situations contrary the truth. Novelist may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The knowledge, is not only the accumulation of theories, or experiences, but also the full domain above all what it is enclosed by the task that if finds under the direct responsibility of a professional.

To this respect (S. 2001 p.174) ‘ ‘ … The ethical laws are not constructed to the flavor of particular environments, nor of the empirical consensuses, but of the universality of the behavior volvida human being to bem’ ‘ In accordance with Ccero, cited for S (2001, p 150). To if relating the importance of the duties, Ccero cites the case of a lawyer who, having promised to defend somebody in a cause, necessary if making its presence in the court, had, in the same day, a seriously ill son; it placed the commitment with the son above of the presence in the court and found such position justifiable, ahead of the hierarchy of the commitments and the curse of the abandonment of a direct descent, forsaken. Second (S 2001, p.175) it affirms: Professional basic virtues are those indispensable, without which the accomplishment of a competent ethical exercise is not obtained, whichever to the nature of the service given in the general beneficial interaction.

Dilma Rousseff

People as Dilma Rousseff that more it seems a doll debotox, size are the artificial effort to try to construct imagempopularmente friendly in terms of appearance and personality and Jose Mountain range nor of far are so friendly for a suffered people how much Marina. Noconseguiro to convince the people that they will be socially good and right in presidncianem if to be born of new. The program of government of Marina not yet is suficientementerevelado, but, to this hour, I ask: who is that already it shows a program completoou almost complete months before being authorized the electoral propaganda? With aconfiana and hope that I more millions of brasileiros/as have, it not to vaidecepcionar when to disclose it the country to it daqui for next July.

If it to noquiser to lose the support of the population with that it more resembles itself, to deverapresentar socioambientalmente friendly proposals and one economic policy desocializao of the profits. A basic point of its intentions of government, noentanto, already is more than wide disclosed and known: its irreducible compromissocom the environment, that also nenhum/a outro/a candidato/a equals.> Dilma jfoi its adversary inside of the government Squid in if treating to chocardesenvolvimentismo with ambient support and zeal. Decidindoobras inside of ambiently sensible places was Dilma, as the Amaznia, and Marinabrigando so that this antiecological planning immediately was changed. I ask: in environment terms, to guarantee asobrevivncia of the biosfera, enclosed in it the humanity, who are more trustworthy? Marina Hisses, woman who was born in the bush and practically has since always a dedicaoincondicional to the Brazilian preservation of biomas, or its adversary ‘ ‘ botoxada’ ‘ what recently only started to sketch a speech ecologizado for necessidadepoltica of modernizing themselves and revealing a friendly figure with the necessidadesambientais of the planet? Or Mountain range, that, with the Rodoanel and its serious estragos Atlantic nMata of So Paulo, it shows what we can wait of ecological attention deum possible right government? By the way, Dilma and Serra yes are that they give fear.

State Guard

At the stage of the idea of its value is difficult to assess due to the formulation of generality and incompleteness of reporting. In addition, many ideas are nodal, ie, source of development Other ideas in various directions. Another problem is the evaluation of ideas is often the duration of its implementation. Ideas are usually sold through many years or decades and often in their branches. At the same ideas developed and supplemented by the author are not necessarily but also other people. In such a situation, understand the complexity and the inappropriateness of state protection of this kind of intellectual property. However, the question author's ideas are extremely important. This issue is of great moral and social significance.

Attribution to the idea of stimulating the author and the creative community to create new works and works. Similarly, the issue is with a number of other intellectual property. This hypothesis, theories, concepts, discoveries, methods, and other objects of human creativity. Scientific discussion, development work, publications are often obscures the initiator of the idea. And it's not only the loss of moral stimulus, but also the loss of grants, salaries, contracts.

As a result of reduction of creative activity and, finally, the loss to society. There is also problematic State Guard, as impossible to estimate the value of these objects. Thus, the relevant issue is the protection of these intellectual property rights are not protected by the state. In Currently, the objects of state protection of intellectual property can be represented as 2 segments: industrial property and copyright.

Central Executive Committee

South Ossetia has refused to withdraw from of Russia and did not participate in elections to the Georgian parliament, demanding, in turn, recognition of the right to free choice. May 28, 1920 delegates and senior managers of 17 committees in South Ossetia in the "Memorandum of labor South Ossetia, the RCP (b), the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of Workers 'and Peasants' Deputies confirmed the "unwavering will to work in South Ossetia": "1. South Ossetia – integral part of Soviet Russia, 2. South Ossetia is part of the Soviet Russia on the common base itself (emphasis in original) 3. Mediocre entry into Soviet Russia through Georgia or any other republic, even though the Soviet, we under no circumstances do not permit. " In response to the June 20, 1920 South Ossetia was subjected to armed aggression launched by the Menshevik government of Georgia.

Georgian troops fire and sword were held throughout South Ossetia. Almost all villages in South Ossetia have been burned and destroyed, the mass Ossetian population, mostly women, children, old people were massacred. One of the leaders of the Georgian troops Valiko Dzhugeli colorfully described the destruction of civilian villages in South Ossetia: "The villages are located on large altitudes. Obviously, the Ossetians have imagined that they were outside the limit of our reach. But now the lights are everywhere … Burn and burn … Ominous lights! What a terrible, cruel, enchanting beauty … and, looking at these night, bright lights, an old friend said sadly: "I'm beginning to understand the great fire of Nero and Rome." Well-known political and social activist, FI Makharadze wrote about these events: "We shall not dwell on the description of the horrors and savagery that took place Menshevik forces under the command of the Guards and the executioner Dzhugeli over the population of South Ossetia. They did not make the distinction between old and young, men and women, armed and unarmed.

Juan Rodriguez

Some sections of the Ram: Juan Rodriguez Freyle This paper presents the year 1636 as lord Guatavita South Main savanna, based as it is the same text on the relationship of “Don Juan, Cacique and Guatavita lord’s nephew who conquistadors found on the chair while conquered this kingdom, which happened after his uncle and he told me these antiques and next. Freyle the text there is no change of chiefs after he rebelled the Bogota Guatavita or the death of this, nor of Bogota or Tunja. ….. Between two heads or princes was the monarchy of this kingdom, if allowed to give this name: Guatavita in the jurisdiction of Santa Fe, and in the jurisdiction Ramiriqui Tunja … Learn more on the subject from Paulo Coelho. Guatavita …. And again, whom I left the estate, saying that was his lieutenant and captain-general regarding the war in Bogota, with the title of Chief Ubzaque, which will always be offered any war with Pancho or culimas, their neighbors, came to her by virtue of his office. … I have said as Bogota was a lieutenant and captain general of Guatavita regarding the war, it happened that the Indians of Ubaque, Chipaque , Pasca, sullen, Chiguachi, Une, Fusagasuga, and all of those valleys fall on the shoulders of the city of Santa Fe, Guatavita had rebelled against his lord; withholding taxes ….

obedience and his messengers to Bogota, his lieutenant and captain general ,…. In their conformity, Lt. Bogota gathered more than thirty thousand Indians, and with this army passed the mountains, valley and entered the land of the rebels ….

Health Community

The pathology mainly affects the skin and the nerves of the face, the arms and hands, the legs and the feet and also other parts of the body, in the forms most advanced of the illnesses can affect eyes, nose and some vsceras (CONASEMS, 1999). The Hansenase aflinge the humanity since the antiquity and as in the past already it affected all the continents and it left a frightful image, of multilao, rejection and exclusion of the society in the history and the memory of the humanity still reaches many people nowadays. After the introduction of the treatment with Polioquimioterapia (PQT) for the World-wide Oranizao of Sade (OMS) the Hansenase it passed to abide cure when diagnosised in the initial phase of the illness with a correct accompaniment and ending of the treatment. It is transmitted directly of person not treated for another one, by means of the respiratory ways (CONASEMS, 1999). Official site: Sen. Sherrod Brown. As the health is related to the life conditions, to make an analysis what it is needed to improve the health of a community it is a work great of team. The Communitarian Agent of Health is one to assist valuable for this, therefore beyond making the cadastre of the families and mapping area, also she observes the necessities and she helps I decided it the priorities for health of this community. When if it has a necessary communitarian diagnosis as starting point for the work in health, the actions are planned by managers responsible, determined and carried through in common, between professionals and community, from a local identification of problems and resources, of an adaptation of the priorities of the city to the state and federal politics of health (BRAZIL, 2000). The ACS participate in the fight against Hansenase when they possess a knowledge I specify regarding the pathology, recognizing its simpler signals and symptoms, being thus, suspecting of the illness in the community the Agent it folloies and it directs the people who present suggestive injuries of Hansenase to the Centers and Ranks of Health (CONASEMS, 1999).

Minister Son

He was then 194 years. The Minister asked him to share a secret with ranks of his longevity. Ohio Senator has much experience in this field. Old man replied: "I have learned to their ancestors Moxie and enjoy life. Me and my whole family on a monthly basis from the first to eighth number do myself burns on his feet at the point zu-san-li. My wife is now 173 years, son – 153, his grandson – 105 years. " Stari ka richly bestowed with rice and money and the honors were sent home.

After 48 years thereafter Mampe again arrived in Edo to participate in the ceremonies opening the new bridge. He was 242 years, my wife – 221 per year, son – 201, 193, the wife, son, grandson – 153, the wife of his grandson 138 years. An example illustrates perfectly the idea of regular maintenance of the body. Not be able to look younger, but to be always healthy and do not accumulate damage – it's wonderful! It is known that the method of cauterization (IOC-sa) and acupuncture, the so-called Zhen-jeou, used, and to improve health weakened lennyh, the elderly, and to protect them from disease. There is a point stimuli mapping are accompanied by increased tone of any system. For example, the famous point nei-guan tones the cardiovascular system, such as points or he-gu, zu-san-li, Chao-hai, Qu-Chi, etc. raise the tone of the whole organism. Especially recommended as a preventive measure cauterization, are not rare in his original form, ie, before the scar.