The Congress Endorses ‘ Decree Anticrisis’ Of Work With The Agreed Abstention From The PP

" The new contract is the best formative contract than we have had nunca" , the Secretary of Labor is dndido in the debate, Valeriano Go’mez. The decree law also contemplates the temporary suppression of the obligation to make the workers fixed who chain temporary contracts during two years. CiU also has decided to abstain, in spite of the critics; result of the voting in the chamber: 166 votes to favor, 15 against and 157 abstentions. The Congress of the Deputies has approved, with the abstention, among others, of the Popular Party, the last labor reform of the Government; the result of the voting has been: 166 votes to favor, 15 against and 157 abstentions. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Sen. Sherrod Brown. The decree anticrisis, that is dndido once again the Secretary of Labor, Valeriano Go’mez, includes two measures ' estrella': of formation for temporary suppression and the contract people up to 30 years of the obligation to make the workers fixed who chain temporary contracts during two years. Work was put in contact with popular the past the weekend to request his to them support to the decree, warning to them that if did not tell on its votes, would be forced to yield before the nationalists and to give to priority to the autonomic agreements, a promise that the Executive made to GNP to be guaranteed his abstention when the collective negotiation was approved. The abstention from has prevented it to the PP, something that, according to the spokeswoman Soraya Senz de Santamara before admitted hours, have been thankful for to his party union forces. " The new contract is the best formative contract than we have had nunca" , it has assured Go’mez during the debate confirmation these urgent measures in the chamber. The minister has made a call to the industralists so that they use the new contract of formation because its cost to the Social Security is zero and because thus they would demonstrate his commitment to restrain the high youthful unemployment.

New Buildings

New is scary pokupat.Pravitelstvo formed foundations to protect the rights of deceived depositors. Money returns a part of not only defrauded real estate investors, but also the participants of financial pyramid schemes such as mmm, and so dalee.Tak both protects the rights of investors. Although in my opinion inappropriate legislation applies to both the investors and builders. In the U.S., for example, property taxes represent approximately 10% of the price real estate, and the price is not the bti, and the price of purchase sales. We do the same in all new buildings of Moscow, when a catastrophic shortage of housing, night lights burn only half of the windows, which suggests that at least half of the house purchased by investors who are not going to live in these apartments, and interpretation with the purpose of resale, speculation in real estate. So whom to defend, requires diferentsirovanny approach to determining the deceived dolschikov.Prava investors have been violated during the construction of 143 facilities in the Moscow region, half the problem is solved, said Minister of Construction of Moscow Region Eugene Seregin on the expanded board Ministry on Friday. 'In the Moscow region is 143 troubled facility, which violated the rights of citizens.

Of these, 73 solved the problem of defrauded investors', – the minister said, noting that was introduced in operation 70 houses. In other cases, the problem is solved, he added. According Seregina, the largest number of problem objects in Lyubertsy, Pushkin, Istra, district. Also in Domodedovo, , and Dolgoprudnom. 'A lot of noise around the Moscow region, because we are doing more than anyone else. We are working to solve the problem real estate investors. Regional government has instructed the heads of entities to submit a plan measures to address these problems' – said Seregin. According to the minister, frequently at home are not put into operation because of the controversy on several issues between management and developers. Problems defrauded investors are 51 municipality of Moscow region.

State Enviromental

In this context, we have that support nothing more is of what establishing a liame between economic development, ambient preservation and welfare state. Corroborating with the international acceptance of the necessity of a hgido environment and as direct consequncia of the National Politics of the Environment (Law n. 6.938/81), our Federal Constitution of 1988 innovated when consecrating the ambient protection, going to the meeting of the called sustainable development, limiting the economic activities to the ambient balance and the welfare state, as it places the caption of its article 225: All have right to the environment ecologically balanced, public easement of the people and essential to the healthy quality of life, imposing themselves it the public power and to the collective the duty to defend it and to preserve it for the gifts and future generations. It is in this context that gains body the Enviromental law, one of the branches most recent of Legal Sciences that, with an approach to interdisciplinar, it searchs to regulate the activities all and any life that does not human being could be tutored person for the Enviromental law in the measure where its existence indicates guarantee of the healthy quality of life of the man Ambient, where the man is placed not as detainer of the natural resources, but as guard of these, since on them its proper preservation depends. Others including Sen. Sherrod Brown, offer their opinions as well. However, if the man is the only rational animal, nothing more just of what to put in charge it of the preservation of the species human being, as well as of all the others. On the basis of this idea, the current Federal Constitution recepcionou such widened anthropocentric vision, arrogating in such a way to the State how much to the society the duty to fight and to act to preserve the ecological balance. Pablo de Bessa Antunes (2008, p.11) teaches that the Enviromental law is divided in three basic sources, understood for the right to the environment, right on the environment and right of the environment: Such sources exist, in the measure that the right to the Environment is a basic human right that fulfills the function to integrate the rights to the healthful quality of life, the economic development and the protection of the natural resources. .

United Nations

The theories that defend the universalismo of the human rights if oppose to the cultural relativismo, that affirms the validity of all the cultural systems and the impossibility of any valuation absolute since a external landmark, that in this in case that they would be the universal human rights. The Organization of the African Unit proclaimed in 1981 the African Letter of Human Rights and Peoples 1, that recogia principles of the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights of 1948 and added others that traditionally if they had denied in Africa, as the right of free determination or the duty of the States to eliminate all the forms of foreign economic exploration. Later, the African States that had waked up the Declaration of Tnez, in 6 of November of 1992, had affirmed that if it cannot prescribe a definitive model the universal level, since the historical and cultural realities of each nation and the traditions cannot be dis entailed, norms and values of each people. In a similar line if they pronounce the Declaration of Bangkok, emitted for Asian countries in 23 of April of 1993, and Cairo, firmed for the Organization of the Islamic Conference in 5 of August of 1990.

Tamma the vision occidental person-capitalist of human rights, centered in the civil laws and politicians, if opposed a little during the Cold War, detaching in the seio of United Nations, to the one of the socialist block, that privileged the economic laws, social and cultural and the satisfaction of the elementais necessities. Historical evolution of the Concept of Humanos.Muitos Rights philosophers and historians of the Right considers that if it cannot say of human rights until modernity in the Ocidente.A existence of the subjective rights, such and as if they think about the present time, will be debate object during centuries XVI, XVII and XVIII, what it is excellent because habitually it says that the human rights are product of the gradual affirmation of the individuality and that, in accordance with it, the idea of rights of the man appeared for primera time during the bourgeois fight against the system of the Old Regimen.

Democratic Management

In the joint Cear, efforts of the government and the civil society the same direction, fact proven for decisions walk in politics, as the election of directors and creation of mechanisms of social control and participation of the community, the example of the Pertaining to school Advice, Bosoms, etc. Inside of the perspective of here boarded Democratic Management, the creation of Pertaining to school Advice, who consist of helping the director of the school to manage it of participativa form, in its aspects financiers, pedagogical and administrative, reveal of great effectiveness. The pertaining to school advice, according to NASPOLINI (2001, P. 182), … Learn more about this topic with the insights from Richard Blumenthal. ‘ ‘ he is the collegiate agency consisting by parents, pupils, professors, employees, direction and representatives of the organized civil society, chosen to represent the community escolar.’ ‘ Of this form, in the Cear, more still, it was of utmost importance the creation of this group of action inside of a school that denotes scarcity of financial resources front to other Brazilian states and deficiencies evidenced multiple of teach-learning through the current statisticians.

Another great step given for the Cear in the Education inside occurred in this period, conducted for the government program ‘ All for the Education of Quality for Todos’ ‘ that has forts linkings with the rules of democratic management was the municipalizao of Basic Ensino, in the decade of 1990, as it affirms VIEIRA (2007, P. 47): The Cear, that already counted on strong municipal presence in this stage of the basic education, from 1995 orients for the induction of politics in this direction … In this perspective, anticipated it the proper implantation of … Fundef, that came to constitute a facilitador instrument of the pursued objectives. Already it enters the years of 2003 and 2006, the State followed the government program ‘ ‘ Better school, Melhor’ Life; ‘ , which considered to take care of to the demand for education with the possible minimum of expenses, due to expansion in it offers of decurrent education of previous management (Government Tasso Jereissati), so that with this it had the evolution in the pertaining to school performance of the pupils of the Basic Education, so necessary at the moment, without, however, to lose the rhythm of development of the Education in the State: ‘ ‘ Being a poor State very, the occured expansion without precedents in the Cear from the decade of 1990, it represented heavy responsibility for the public sector.

Drawbacks Of Democracy

Independent media, usually fall under the influence of “money purse” to ensure their functioning. This opens up a direct route into the power of the oligarchy. The election is directly linked to amount of money spent on the campaign trail, that automatically denies low-income applicants kakihlibo chance of achieving success in the political struggle. Almost always, not all eligible voters participate in elections, so we have to recognize their legitimacy in the turnout just over half (50% + 1 vote), and in the second round, if it exists, and even less (fourth or fifth an active electoral votes right). Thus, the winner receives support minority population.

AA Shoes, analyzing the parliamentary institutions in the XIX-XX Centuries, wrote: “No more false start, as the worship of the solution majority. Already representation – rather than direct participation of all citizens – contains fiction, it is easy to substitute the will of the people will of its members. Application of the beginning of a majority in the subsequent actions of these representatives often gives the fate of the entire country into the hands of those who represent themselves in neatly organized minority. The country has formed a special class of people, which is cultivated in a medium political intrigues, people idle, with ignoble tradition, people, cut off from productive work and have lost all sense of the highest ideals of serving the good of the state and nation. Increases in this environment primarily one for money: agility possession of up and holding his people through the mechanism of political voting. ” The legitimacy of democratic procedures, the most important – the referendum and elections – can be easily compromised. The point that “the law under which the issue of general well-being solved by the majority opinion, can not rest on the same basis on which it is based welfare, he needs the other, the wider voting, namely in vote of all.


According to the last studies and statistics, the low-COST takes, mainly in the car rental. To contract online and with payment in advance can be until a 13% more cheap than to do it by means of another modality. The first step occurred with the airline companies, soon they were the trains and now little by little also the great companies of car rental and rest of services of trips and tourism. All the companies have settled in the advance of the new technologies and the push of the low-COST. The sector of the companies of car rental tries not to lose that pull with respect to the new channels of sale and thus, many have been forced to review their prices to the loss. Not only by the economic circumstances, also by the existing competition, that in addition bursts in with force in Internet. The simplification and reduction in price that supposes for the Internet users to reserve its services have taken to the companies of rent of vehicles to offer the power to choose it, to contract services extra and to reserve with a single click, without moving of house, in front of the screen of its computer. However, he is recommendable to follow a series of recommendations to rent a car: If it rents a car, it would not have to allow that they acquire a whole day to him by hours of more, but only by the exact time has used that it.

It does not doubt in another case of requesting the complaint book. According to the Union of Consumers this practical one is illegal. A service cannot be received del that does not get ready. It remembers that the law only protects the collection of the service in real time. Nevertheless, the companies say that this form of car rental is something extended in the sector, and even contemplated in contracts, since to invoice per hours it only is, at the moment, a project. Irregular practices like preventing the age are not due either to allow to rent in the 24 years or the necessity to present/display a credit card in advance., one of the companies more known in Spain as far as car rental, contemplates in its services the fulfillment of these recommendations which, next to its excellent prices and great network of offices turn, it into the most reasonable option for the car rental in Spain.

The Dress For The High Girl

In order to find clothes that the height of praise is sometimes a challenge.Stores especializadasy some department store to wear clothes for which they are high, but is importantepara to make the selections suitable clothes to dress really well like a high girl. Dress of celebration 2011 to make less remarkable height Use the skirts that are of an average length and have a slight bud.Showing the piernademasiado one it makes see more stop you and a long skirt or the cheap dresses of celebration gives its length of the body. They seem shorter with the use of skirts and tops to give the appearance of a jump of lneahorizontal in the height.Mtase the shirt or a wide belt on the part superior of the waist. You do your legs are seen shorter with little height, trousers or jeans. It chooses a style and the size that has a weave little more, but is not comfortable. Perhaps check out Amazon for more information. To see more it cuts with the use of jackets and already to take the shoulder reinforcements from jackets and blouses.

Benefit of its height To dress well to the last fashion for the high girls.It uses layers separates in the resistance you bleach subtle. Benefit of boots, legginses or sulciform averages until the knee with skirts. The use of the design in its favor with the landlords that have horizontal lines. To walk with comfort in the shoes of heel with a minor to appear shorter, but is not deprived of the style of high heel.It chooses shoes that it likes and to use them with confidence. Visit of bearing or smoothly used boutiques to buy a dress vintage.It asks that they show white dresses to him of celebration in his size.To think about the subject of its wedding; to consider if a style dress vintage that works for you. To complement its attire with a purse with style.It considers the one possibility correacorta instead of a shoulder stock market with one draws out releases. Proud than you are and how you see yourself.It maintains the head either, shoulders high backwards and to walk with dignity knowing that they are high and to dress or.

Jennifer Lopez

"I'm the most charming and attractive" – all well-known phrase from a favorite movie, the protagonist of which is truly knew how to raise self-esteem. And indeed, our self-esteem depends primarily on our self-awareness. When we feel beautiful and attractive, even in the mirror, and nice to look around to notice us, from this mood just fine. When the same feel as the gray arms, and then the light in the eyes burns, and no certainty. So how do you learn to rejoice at her reflection in the mirror and always rise to the occasion? In this article you will find the answer to this disturbing question. In modern psychological practice used mass psycho on improving certain aspects of human personality. We will explain the basic exercises that will help to change self-perception: Visualization: Before you get out of bed, imagine that you are the prettiest woman in the world.

Imagine that you have slender legs, slim figure, beautiful hair and lovely face. Can you imagine yourself Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Lopez, anyone. Soak up this feeling of beauty and repeating yourself as you are beautiful and adorable. Exercise "Letter": Take a piece of paper and start writing a letter. Write about how you're beautiful as you are running for the crowds of fans. Other leaders such as Sen. Sherrod Brown offer similar insights.

Most importantly, that you most believe in what you write. Then go to the mirror and smile at yourself, praise yourself. Walking along the street, feel like a star walking down the red carpet. Initially it will be difficult later on it becomes your essence. You'll notice how the men were more and pay more attention to you.


In the miditico field oDIP Department of the Press and Propaganda was puted in charge to massificar parao country the actions of the DOPS, thus demonizando those that were interpellated pelapolcia politics as well as the reason by which the same it was accused. ‘ ‘ caasas bruxas’ ‘ it did not save efforts to try to justify the actions many vezesdescabidas of the policy stops with ‘ ‘ novoshereges’ ‘ of the native land. Creation of 7 esteretipos was an attempt of introjeta in imaginary popular a negative image dasidias libertarians as well as of some> professions that inspired uma&#039 at the time; ' healthful desconfiana' ' of the police authorities. Amazon: the source for more info. On professionals the atividadeintelectual as: professors, journalists, librarians amongst others bemcomo spaces of where workmanships ' ' subversivas' ' they could circulate as graphical, libraries, tallows, schools etc were white constants of the censors. despite withholds some agents infiltrated in the most diverse sectors of the society, acapacidade of perception of the censors was sufficiently limited. In fact, the work of demonizar oslibertinos associate to the ignorance of the censors gave so certain that to in such a way comic proporcionouaes one of the part of the policy. All manuscript that does not estivesseem Portuguese language was apprehended without the least to know which the text of referidaobra.

To walk for the book streets armed constitua enough reason for umaabordagem nothing companionable of ours ' ' bempreparados' ' censors. After January of 1942, Brazil diplomatical romperelaes with the powers of the Axle, fact this that inserts in the mbitonacional plus one are of Germany Brazil were the country with the biggest emembros sympathetical number of the nazista party in the world had finished aggravating the paranoia doscensores, however that our country was a nazista shelter in the tropics. Author will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Adificuldade in distinguishing what it could or not be understood as threat, oraque in So Paulo imagines, for example, from the second half of the possible decade of thirty jera to find members of 10 hitlerista youth, these former-allies had been now transformed into arquiinimigos.